Openreach – Page 14
Network & Infrastructure
DCMS helping England play catch up, or possibly leapfrog
Devolved nations at the back of the queue for new money. Fibre emphasised over cable.
Network & Infrastructure
DCMS defends its record as PAC report sees trouble ahead
PAC scathing in review of previous funding plans. Watchdog critical of a lack of planning and joined-up thinking now. Rural sites seen as at risk of being overlooked in trimmed-down Gigabit programme.
Network & Infrastructure
A lack of joined up governing
Red tape roadblocks remain in place. Business rates continue to stick in craw of infra players. Double-edged sword on state aid changes.
Network & Infrastructure
BT and Openreach voices being heard
BT execs appear to be getting message across on need for support. Rivals remain keen to extract more concessions from Openreach on infra access.
Network & Infrastructure
Jansen just wants to get on with it
Jansen’s BT more focused on regulatory leeway on build than government handouts. CEO wants closer scrutiny of data and digital-based services.
Suppliers & SCM
Openreach deploys EXFO technology for fibre rollout
Rollout speed gains stressed as key motivator for purchase.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Openreach: 2x usage for 2020
Openreach flexes on network strength after UK broadband usage hits new highs.
Network & Infrastructure
Openreach requests COVID vaccine relief
Direct talks between Openreach and government officials confirmed. COVID-19 surge halts operations. Openreach seeks to highlight public importance of connectivity.
Partnerships & Alliances
BT to head trials at Reading’s Arrow Drone Zone
Group targeting commercialisation of drone flights using country’s “first commercial drone corridor”. Funding delivered through four-year government initiative, but securing safety assurances for BVLOS flights first port of call. Potential benefits to healthcare vertical highlighted.
Public Affairs
eir’s fury over BT’s NI PSSN contract award reignited
BT hit with substantial fine for misinformation that may have affected the outcome of a £40m government contract. Irish operator “considering our options” on prized PSSN contract, although Ofcom found no deliberate breaches.
Strategy & Change
BT builds up Data & AI Solutions biz
Data & AI Solutions business searches for revenue gold in BT Group’s data hills. BT researchers tap data for better customer experience, while Openreach data scientists reduce cost of fibre rollout.
BT people moves: IT executives reshuffled
IT Managing Director Rachel Higham confirmed her departure, leaving a vacancy for the all-important IT transformation project. Changes to Group’s regional management, including the exit of BT’s England Director and a new Openreach Scotland chair. High-profile alumni take advisory spots at UK regulators.
Network & Infrastructure
Ofcom hints at ten-year “fair bet” timeframe for BT
Openreach to be unconstrained on full-fibre pricing until 2031 under proposed plans from the regulator. Jansen claims he would rather have a cap on returns, and more time. Fellow infrastructure builders happy with clarity, but Openreach customer TalkTalk unhappy with impact on wholesale. Regulatory clarity may kickstart discussions on ...
Network & Infrastructure
BT calls for alternatives to fibre in rural Wales
Connecting the most challenging premises not viable under the USO. Openreach, backed by government infrastructure committees, wants to look beyond FTTP for gigabit access.
Network & Infrastructure
Openreach connects dots in Highlands and Islands
Regional fibre programme reaches its conclusion with targets surpassed. R100 scheme to pick up the baton in 2021 to continue superfast expansion to Scottish hinterlands.
Elsewhere in BT Technology: Open Digital Architecture gets tested
BT backing digital architecture commoditisation; data traffic records tumble.
Network & Infrastructure
Openreach consults with CPs on exchange closures
BT infrastructure arm continues prep for shutdown of 4,600 local exchanges. “Exchange evolution” programme may last 20 years, although early-2030s to see most dramatic change. Purchase of copper broadband services now halted in Salisbury.
Elsewhere in BT Group: Cisco takes IMImobile
Partners Cisco and IMImobile to meld customer comms solutions.
Public Affairs
BT could face winter strike action
CWU ups the ante in the Count Me In campaign as employees back what could be the first national strike at BT in decades. New Birmingham office to be first regional hub in Better Workspace programme, but the pandemic is complicating other office searches.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Openreach: job creation takes off
European fibre surge anticipated; Openreach partner folds.