Latest Weekly Briefing


Telefónicawatch Weekly: UK alt-fibre rallying cry, fixed value extraction, and 6G discipline

Leaders from across the Group converge at various industry events, highlighting key issues and challenges faced in B2B and fixed network segments. Elsewhere, continued O2 stakebuilding; people changes at fibre and tower JVs; Digi still undecided on roaming provider…

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Latest Telefónicawatch Reports

  • TFw#180 Cover

    Telefónicawatch Report #180 - February 2024


    Key stories include: Álvarez-Pallete takes the stage in Davos | Liberty eyes NetCo-ServeCo split again | Vivo and Winity walk away from network-share deal | Spanish copper lines to remain in action until 2026 | Movistar calls for pause to Chile’s 5G auction