Public Affairs – Page 16
Public Affairs
Vodafone Spain ordered to pay €18m to former ONO CFO
Vodafone must reportedly pay upwards of €18m to Carlos Sagasta, former Chief Financial Officer at ONO. VfS acquired ONO in 2014 and has fought legal cases against its board since.
Public Affairs
Vodafone’s price for Kabel Deutschland “adequate”
Vodafone paid an “adequate” price for Kabel Deutschland (KDG) when it acquired the cable operator for €10.7bn.
Public Affairs
Vodafone Ireland owes customers €400,000
VfIr ordered to refund 70,000 customers over €400,000.
Public Affairs
Vodafone Italy hit with €6m fine
VfIt slapped with €6m fine. Follows €800,000 fine in early-2019.
Public Affairs
Vodafone UK responds to IR35 reform
Vodafone reportedly joined businesses suspending engagement with contractors operating on a ‘limited company’ basis.
Public Affairs
Indian telcos halt service during Delhi demonstrations
Delhi police ordered Indian telcos to temporarily halt mobile voice and data services as protests swept the city.
Public Affairs
Telekom Deutschland 5G contracts frozen until geopolitical thaw
5G equipment contracts put on hold due to “unclear political situation”. Chancellor Merkel makes industry wait for political clarity.
Public Affairs
Telco bosses push for competition policy overhaul
Telco chiefs promote overhaul of EU competition policy. Expectations growth that refreshed EC will be more supportive to mergers.
Public Affairs
OTE employees start 2020 with strike action
Greek group refuses to back down amid three-week strike action. Labour union accuses OTE of exploiting its workers. OTE Group strikes back with lawsuit.
Public Affairs
T-Mobile Netherlands fights ACM fine
TMNL was said to have filed an objection over an unusually large fine imposed by the Dutch Autoriteit Consumer & Markt.
Public Affairs
Merkel, Ametsreiter give Huawei benefit of doubt
Political ructions after Chancellor appears to green-light Huawei involvement in 5G. Ametsreiter wants evidence-based approach to Huawei; describes current security debate as “thoroughly unprofessional”. Complications spread to Hungary.
Public Affairs
Vodafone Idea accused of IUC fraud
Indian operators alleged to ”fraudently masquerade” wireline numbers by local regulatory authority.
Public Affairs
Huawei shadow lengthens on Deutsche Telekom’s home turf
Chancellor under pressure to take harder line on Chinese supplier. TDE faces risk of shutting down “unsafe” network components. Hungary, UK indicate willingness to ignore US calls for Huawei clampdown.
Public Affairs
O2 Czech Republic defends network-sharing deal with T-Mobile amid regulator concerns
O2 Czech Republic again came out in defence of its contentious mobile network-sharing agreement with T-Mobile Czech Republic (TMCZ), amid recent reports that regulators’ concerns over the deal were fuelling delays in the country’s 5G auction, now due to take place in 2020.
Public Affairs
Ofcom re-shapes 5G auction plans as MNOs share access
Ofcom confirms intention to offer frequencies in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz-3.8GHz bands in spring 2020, but with a change in auction structure. Industry commitments on rural coverage said to have enabled regulatory rethink. Degree of uncertainty remains due to UK elections and Brexit developments.
Public Affairs
O2 Germany wins round-one in Drillisch price reviews
O2 won a legal battle with its wholesale customer on the cost of sharing spectrum assets, but multiple legal reviews continue. Hundreds of millions of euros at stake. 1&1 Drillisch takes financial hit, but O2 remains vulnerable.
Public Affairs
Labour promises nationalised free broadband for all — BTwatch’s first take
Considerable speculation and debate on the future of UK communications infrastructure and the sector was sparked by a new Labour Party policy. In its Manifesto for the upcoming UK General Election, Labour is committing to the nationalisation of major elements of BT Group that relate to the provision of ...
Public Affairs
T-Mobile US on edge as FCC decision nears on C-Band
Spectrum-hungry TMUS still facing major resistance in mid-band liberalisation drive. FCC final order on issue may happen in November 2019. 5G Plus Plan seems TMUS’ best bet for C-Band win.
Public Affairs
Magyar Telekom hits regulatory buffers as tariffs claimed to violate EU net neutrality rules
Magyar Telekom (MT) again hit regulatory buffers in connection with tariffs that are claimed to violate European Union (EU) net neutrality rules introduced in 2016 (Deutsche Telekomwatch, #56).
Public Affairs
Plusnet faces further negative publicity over billing issues
Plusnet, BT Consumer’s budget-brand internet service provider (ISP) subsidiary, faced further negative publicity over billing issues, after its system failed to take payments from hundreds of customers for a period of up to four months.