All Legal (compliance, regulatory) articles – Page 19
Public Affairs
Action ballot date set as union “maximises” BT pressure
Communication Workers Union to post ballot papers on 15 June.
Venturing & Investments flies high with Boeing backing
Vodafone partner picks up $100,000 funding from the aerospace giant.
Network & Infrastructure
UK telco execs call time on net neutrality
BT’s Allera, VM O2’s Cobian, and Vodafone’s Essam share their views on ‘big tech’ contributions to network investment.
Network & Infrastructure
BT makes steady progress on broadband USO
Latest update shows 4,600 premises connected, with thousands more in the works. Excessive costs remain a problem for rural premises despite Ofcom intervention.
Financial & Performance
Q1 FY22: Telefónica facing challenges with a spring in its step
Strong start to FY22 saw cross-examination on prospect of a quick upgrade on guidance for the year. VM O2 the odd one out as three of Telefónica’s core markets show strengthening operational performance and clear vision for market evolution. Telefónica Tech building momentum, but strategy of buying short-term growth ...
Public Affairs
Vodafone gains partial victory against former ONO execs
La Audiencia de Madrid rules that ONO execs accused of tax fraud before Vodafone takeover should pay VAT fees siphoned off cableco’s books. Ruling falls well short of €140m in damages Vodafone was originally seeking.
Public Affairs
BT: UK can beat EU to TechCo network contributions
While Europe’s ‘fair contribution’ row on network investments intensifies, BT’s Policy & Public Affairs Director Alex Towers underlines opportunity for UK to “get there first”.
Elsewhere in Vodafone Africa: Telkom SA settles with ICASA
Telkom SA reaches out-of-court settlement with ICASA over spectrum auction; Vodacom granted appeal in Please Call Me case.
Public Affairs
“If you’re a bully, you get a pasting”: union continues BT bashing, confirms action ballot
Communication Workers Union Annual Conference galvanises members as it takes fight to BT. Industrial action ballet to go ahead “as soon as possible”. “These people have no integrity” says Deputy General Secretary Andy Kerr.
Partnerships & Alliances
Still no date for Safaricom Ethiopia launch
STE indicates it is close to reaching network-sharing agreements with Ethio Telecom. Changes to national payments law should pave way for M-PESA.
Elsewhere in T-Mobile US: Deloitte selected as Auditor
TMUS follows in DT’s footsteps with selection of Deloitte as new auditor.
Public Affairs
Net neutrality: Telekom StreamOn, Vodafone Pass ordered to close
Regulator says zero-rating add-ons breach net neutrality. German operators told to terminate services by next year. Order follows European Court of Justice ruling that the services are “incompatible” with EU law.
Telefónica, Deutsche Telekom lock horns over ‘T’ logo
DT objects to Telefónica’s adoption of a ‘T’ made up of five circles.
Public Affairs
eir takes BT to court for NI public sector bid
Irish incumbent seeks compensation for long-running dispute regarding NI PSSN contract. Public sector IT services deal, won by BT in 2018, said to be worth up to £400m.
Telefónica’s Vilá welcomes merger of rivals in ‘fragmented’ Spanish market
Telefónica COO again questions whether Telefónica should now be seen as a dominant player. Vodafone said to be exploring options for its fixed assets in Spain.
Public Affairs
Industrial action inbound as union rejects biggest BT pay rise in 20 years
Communication Workers Union rebuffs improved offer of a £1,500 flat rise for 58,000 employees. Union states it will take BT’s management “to a place they’ve never been before” as it prepares for a statutory industrial action ballot. BT believes its rates “compare well” against competitors.
TPG cleared to separate wholesale and retail operations
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission greenlights ‘joint functional separation’ of the subsidiaries from 7 October 2022. Regulator believes the move will enhance competition in both segments. TPG is looking to create a new fibre-to-the-building (FTTB) wholesale business.
Elsewhere in Telefónica Hispanoamérica: Eco Rating Scheme introduced across markets
Eco Rating system extended to Hispam; Chile preparing for 5G auction; FTTP rival Mundo acquired by DigitalBridge.
Public Affairs
BT leads social tariff calls, hikes mobile prices
Cost of living crisis puts BT’s (and rivals’) mobile price increases in perspective, despite Group calls for more social tariffs. BT’s Home Essentials one of several on offer, but more to be done to support vulnerable customers. Time for rivals to pull their weight, says BT’s policy director. Mobile ...
Ofcom chair-elect “lacks knowledge” on digital issues
Lord Grade, set to take the chair at the UK’s media and telecoms regulator, lacks fundamental experience on key issues of social media and online platforms despite strength in broadcasting. Competitive and transparent telecoms industry among Grade’s priorities. Cronyism concerns after Grade’s appointment followed by Ian Cheshire’s move to ...