Germany – Page 14
Strategy & Change
Gopalan puts Telekom on high fibre diet for FTTP gains
FTTP opportunities and cost burden unsurprisingly top of agenda at Capital Markets Day. New TDE Chief Executive unveils multi-faceted plan to free cash and resource for pivotal mega-project. FibreCo JV, vendor rejig, and bigger capex pot among plans to fuel FTTP “acceleration”.
Strategy & Change
Leroy not rocking boat with FY24 goals
New regional CEO Dominique Leroy marking predecessor Srini Gopalan’s homework, and gives it an ‘A’. Similar plan laid out for Europe in next cycle, to maintain modest forward movement in revenue and earnings through service quality and efficiency improvement. Centralisation and cloudification of systems key targets in segment’s “next ...
Network & Infrastructure
DT’s Pan-Net activates edge in 5G cross-border tests
EU-funded trial networks test autonomous driving across borders. Group companies supply 5G connectivity and edge computing. More EU funds expected for connected and automated mobility (CAM).
Network & Infrastructure
SAP CEO sees more ‘European’ industry clouds ahead
Catena-X Automotive Network appears just the start for European data spaces supported by Gaia-X. SAP is working on industry clouds for other sectors. Catena-X seen as proof point for Europe’s sovereign data and cloud initiative.
Strategy & Change
Softwarisation is industry’s destiny, says DT’s Gopalan
Telekom Deutschland Chief Executive sees industry value already shifting from physical infrastructure to software architecture. Network orchestration layer and partnerships key to realising telco-as-a-platform vision. Cannibalisation of legacy revenue part of the digital transformation journey.
DT puts Access 4.0 through its paces in Stuttgart
“Fully functioning” Access 4.0 platform up and running in city central office. Nationwide rollout not expected until next year, once OSS/BSS processes are better understood and can be automated. And Höttges posts LinkedIn blog reminding his readership that Germany is All-IP and ready to reap the benefits.
Partnerships & Alliances
DT’s Comfortcharge to power Hamburg’s e-taxi fleet
Deutsche Funkturm subsidiary playing key role in Hamburg’s ‘go green’ initiative. Zukunftstaxi programme bags broader DT involvement.
Partnerships & Alliances
DT IoT taps Polte for positioning progress
Cellular location specialist and DT IoT partner Polte flagged successful initial trials, to be built into commercial pilots with “several” DT customers. German NB-IoT network to be used in the next phase of testing as DT IoT expands its IoT Solution Optimizer proposition.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Telekom Deutschland: small-cells in Berlin
Smart city strategy in place in Wunsiedel; Berlin readies for small-cell deployments; DT flags sewer network partnership.
Content & TV
Deutsche Telekom plans TV migration to all-IP in 2022
TV technology roadmap aims for all-IP and unicast. DT wants to match innovation speed of web content providers. Transition expected to start in all European markets by end-2022.
Venturing & Investments
hubraum begins hunt for network sustainability startups
Innovation hothouse hubraum closed applications for its Network Sustainability Award, being run in partnership with Solar Impulse Foundation. Microsoft, Orange, and SK Telecom also in support. Green network management and energy production among the focuses as Deutsche Telekom ups its climate protection endeavours.
Spend: investment taps kept open, despite pressure
New TDE CEO Gopalan to search behind sofa for capex and opex savings for fibre push.
DT’s Höttges shares the love with Cisco’s Robbins
Conversation between the two CEOs highlights DT’s use of Cisco 8000 series routers in Germany, as well as Höttges’ fondness for Spitfire cars and Cisco Webex.
DT eyes new tower markets amid domestic hurdles
TowerCo downgrades site-rollout target in Germany. Jacobfeuerborn, Illek hint at domestic M&A, expansion abroad. Group prowl for investor partners through DIV fund set up in collaboration with Cellnex. Deutsche Telekom wraps up Austrian tower spinout, adding another building-block added to multi-layered platform Group is building in European tower space. ...
Q4 FY20: New Telekom CEO wants to muscle-up on fibre
Gopalan gets top-level billing in Q4 session as leadership shows confidence in new CEO to up DT’s domestic game. Group resets fibre mega-project goals. Apparently more sustainable FTTH plan puts ultrafast as central plank of future go-to-market strategy. New entity GlasfaserPlus emerges within Gopalan toolset. First signs emerge of ...
Strategy & Change
Q4 FY20: Group thinks out of the box
DT’s new Head of Europe argues that the bloc’s fragmented market is ripe for change. Romania and Netherlands remain in DT’s M&A spotlight. FY20 results show Europe holding steady for DT, despite pandemic. Share buybacks increase holdings in Hrvatski Telekom, Magyar Telekom, and OTE.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Telekom Deutschland: CFOs increase influence
CFOs extend strategy influence; DT IoT expands into LoRaWAN; Nokia 4G ‘swapout’ completed.
Products & Services
DT’s tooz eyes European debut in May
Smart-glasses startup has been engaged in a German digital health project since September. Product development gathers pace after China launch earlier this year.
Network & Infrastructure
Nokia says it's back in Deutsche Telekom’s 5G good books
Claims past concerns raised by Deutsche Telekom about its single RAN and 5G radio equipment have been addressed. Huawei far from out the picture, despite geopolitical pressures. Deutsche Telekom pointedly calls Chinese supplier a “strong partner” on unveiling their joint “multi-Gigabit campus networks” solution in Germany.
Innovation (R&D)
hubraum selects startups in search for mixed reality apps
Deutsche Telekom technology accelerator hubraum showcases mixed reality startups as part of its MR Program in partnership with Nreal and Qualcomm. Thirteen startups given a platform at virtual Demo Day. Nreal Light available via Deutsche Telekom.