Strategy – Page 19
BT FY19–20: Fibre target raised — in theory…
BT is upping the target for full-fibre to 20 million premises passed by the ‘mid- to late-2020s’.
Network & Infrastructure
Vodafone sets up new Czech TowerCo
Creation of new business is latest move in Vodafone’s M&A and business improvement plan for European sites.
Network & Infrastructure
Deutsche Telekom rethinks German tower expansion plan
2,000 per year add-on ambition “too optimistic” in current circumstances.
Network & Infrastructure
Magenta Telekom quietly sets up own TowerCo
Group coy on plans but move opens up partnership and monetisation opportunities.
Strategy & Change
Vodafone's Read talks up tower power (again)
Germanisation of Vodafone continues with choice of Düsseldorf for TowerCo HQ. CEO continues to push for improved asset utilisation in mobile networks, plus sales opportunities. Sharing developments in Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, and UK.
Telefónica continues mast sales in Hispanoamérica
Group following through with plan to monetise infrastructure as new structure beds in.
Telefónica updates its CTIL oversight team
In January 2020, Telefónica Group refreshed its representation on its UK infrastructure-sharing joint venture (JV) with Vodafone UK, Cornerstone Telecommunication Infrastructure Limited (CTIL).
Strategy & Change
Vodafone spins off Irish towers
Vodafone establishes new Irish tower business, indiciating a divergence from VfIr’s main structure. Move a part of broader infrastructure recalibration.
Openreach delays on-boarding full-fibre know-how
Openreach stalls boardroom re-jig to add more full-fibre expertise amid concerns of growing BT influence. Strategic thinker Sherman considered a risk to Openreach independence by key CP customers, although Ofcom management said to be on board.
BT Group ready to take Johnson’s fibre call at face value
On the Q1 FY19-20 call, BT management regularly reiterated its willingness to support apparent ambition within the new Johnson government for complete UK full-fibre coverage by 2025. The open embrace did, though, have the feel of calling a bluff that almost, but never quite, tipped over into sarcasm.
Deutsche Telekom creates new central unit to oversee tower reset
Strategic infrastructure deal still on. Group still putting pieces in place, though.
Strategy & Change
EWE fibre JV comes to life
Capital offset plan looks to be going ahead, boosting TDE’s fibre long-game.
McAfee secures Telefónica fibre
McAfee deal in Chile supports Telefónica strategy of emphasising value of services within the home rather than pure connectivity.
Blanco on industrialised fibre as networks become more complex
Telefónica Group trumpeted the replicability of its Spanish fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) rollout, as it claimed European leadership. CTIO Blanco stressed that Telefónica’s focus remains on services within the home, with fibre principally a means to an end. Investment currently still capex-focused, but virtualised services to lead transition to more operational ...