All Microsoft articles – Page 7
Partnerships & Alliances
BT wants a billion pounds “minimum” from Microsoft deal
Microsoft beefs up its position within BT’s enterprise ecosystem with formation of an updated strategic partnership. BT aiming for a nine-figure revenue target from “complicated”, “big” deal. Software giant separately acquires BT spend-tracking partner Suplari.
Vodafone Carrier Services’ boss moves into key UK role
Vodafone Business lieutenant Nick Gliddon sent in to perform key UK enterprise mission. Move fills vacancy opened up by Anne Sheehan’s exit to Microsoft Ireland.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Systems Solutions: T-Sys banks Caixa deal
Banking reference secured in Spain.
Vodafone gets down to business with MEC
Scott Petty: UK needs four to eight multi-access edge compute sites. Vodafone is first in Europe with AWS Wavelength, but early days for services. Next distributed MEC target market will be Germany later in 2021. Vodafone Business blends edge into service portfolio.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Telefónica Infra-Tech: Telefónica Tech Ventures expands into IoT
Telefónica Tech Ventures expands into IoT; roads, manufacturing, and tourism targeted as Group continues to build “smart” business-to-business alliances.
Elsewhere in Africa: Vodacom pairs with Microsoft
Vodacom pairs with Microsoft for Mozambique SMEs; Safaricom adds digital menus to M-PESA ecosystem.
Venturing & Investments
DTCP’s monetary fuel fires up One Store expansion plan
Fund joins venture funding round in business owned by close partner SK Telecom. One Store aiming to reach lofty heights of market competitors Apple and Google.
Telefónica moves further into edge zone with Microsoft
Group edge computing activity picks up pace with use-cases aimed at both consumer and enterprise customers, including a new cloud gaming platform.
Partnerships & Alliances
O2 adopts ‘conversational’ AI-based platform
Operator purchases three-year licence, with AI tech set to support long-term aim of becoming CX “champion”.
Venturing & Investments
hubraum begins hunt for network sustainability startups
Innovation hothouse hubraum closed applications for its Network Sustainability Award, being run in partnership with Solar Impulse Foundation. Microsoft, Orange, and SK Telecom also in support. Green network management and energy production among the focuses as Deutsche Telekom ups its climate protection endeavours.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Telefónica Infra-Tech: Telxius lands subsea cable
Telxius plugs into Google’s Dunant cable and bulks up its own South American bandwidth.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Telekom Deutschland: CFOs increase influence
CFOs extend strategy influence; DT IoT expands into LoRaWAN; Nokia 4G ‘swapout’ completed.
Partnerships & Alliances
BT Security adds duo to partner ecosystem
Two more partners added just over six months after BT Security stressed the value of a streamlined portfolio, highlighting the challenge of meeting evolving security threats. Illumio’s micro-segmentation offering gets it onto BT’s security partners list. Acronis underpins SME-focused hybrid cloud proposition.
Elsewhere in BT Enterprise: small-cell deployments flagged
Infobip partnered for RCS enterprise marketing; BT among the backers for Microsoft Teams product launch.
Products & Services
Vodafone remote access re-platforming delivers flexibility-on-demand
Supporting 100,000+ primarily Europe desktop and application users. Microsoft and Nutanix facilitate GDC’s “journey to hybrid cloud scenario”. Pandemic pressure-tests wisdom and capability of 2019 refit.
Partnerships & Alliances
Holoportation in 2021: BT seeing DoubleMe
3D image processing specialist hints at telco deployments of HoloPort platform in 2021. Business-to-consumer service said to be in pipeline. DoubleMe–BT relationship growing out of Telecom Infra Project innovation hub.
Partnerships & Alliances
T-Systems’ and OVHcloud’s first GAIA-X offering takes shape
GAIA-X project gathers pace, as T-Systems and OVHcloud share details of first commercial services to be launched early next year. Deutsche Telekom remains strong supporter of GAIA-X. Largest cloud providers pledge support for project’s principles, but there are signs of regulatory headwinds ahead.
Products & Services
BT dials up Zoom
Global taps into growing popularity of the video conferencing service.
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Vodafone Africa: Vodacom in SA and Tanzanian trouble
Vodacom reportedly tangled in murder scandal in South Africa, and taking political fire over Tanzanian election.
Magyar Telekom looks for lodgers in new HQ
Operator looking to mitigate overheads after opting to permanently shift to a hybrid working model. 5,500-strong workforce largely remote since spring, bar brief return. Sub-letting to partners on the cards. Wider Group-level philosophy changes take effect.