Vodafone rotates Balkans CEOs, renews Greece and Romania leadership

vfw234-tt-balkan ceos

Source: Vodafone

More changes in the Balkans as Vodafone Greece and Vodafone Romania get new CEOs, with veteran Haris Broumidis stepping down.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Albania; Athens; Balkans; Bucharest; Czech Republic; Europe; European; Ghana; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Portugal; Romania; Spain; Turkey; UK.
  • Organisations: Digi; OTE Group; Telekom Romania Mobile Communications; Vodafone; Vodafone Albania; Vodafone Czech Republic; Vodafone Germany; Vodafone Ghana; Vodafone Greece; Vodafone Ireland; Vodafone Portugal; Vodafone Procurement Company; Vodafone Romania; Vodafone Turkey; Vodafone UK.
  • People: Achilleas Kanaris; Ahmed Essam; Aldo Bisio; Amanda Nelson; Balázs Révész; Dogu Kir; Haris Broumidis; Katia Stathaki; Luís Lopes; Marcel de Groot; Margherita Della Valle; Mário Vaz; Max Taylor; Nedim Baytorun; Nick Read; Violeta Luca; Zohar Weitz.
  • Themes: 5G; Artificial intelligence; Broadband; CEO; Chief Marketing Officer; Consumer Business Unit Director; ExCo; Fixed; IT services; Marketing Director; Mobile; President; TV; Telecommunications.

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