All Vodafone Spain articles – Page 10
Elsewhere in Vodafone Europe: VfD introduces flexible working model
Flexible working policy introduced in Germany; VfUK signs up to Greener Litigation pledge.
Telefónica España wants 26GHz auction put on hold
Joins with other MNOs in calling for auction to be delayed until 2023 or 2024.
Products & Services
Vodafone set to bring CPI+ pricing strategy to Spain
Spanish media reports indicate Vodafone tariffs will be linked to Consumer Price Index from January 2023.
DAZN on mission to ‘democratise’ Spanish sport access
Streaming specialist acknowledges similar ‘vision’ of partners Movistar and Orange Spain.
Deegan calls for tax respite in Spain
VfS CEO laments what he sees as the most punitive tax regime in Europe. Claims more could be done to encourage consolidation. Praises government efforts to help finance 5G rollout.
Vodafone people moves: Vi’s transformation rolls on
Senior Vi changes continue, with a fresh Operations Director from Bharti Airtel to join the new CEO.
Vodafone Q1 FY22–23: overall resilience masks in-country patchwork and continuing M&A hiatus
Familiarly solid set of results met with familiar lack of notable strategic activity.
MÁSMÓVIL and Orange sign merger deal
Proposed merger now expected to close during H2 2023, subject to regulatory approval.
Vodafone pairs with Telecom Italia for rural 5G
Italian operators partner to win public tenders for 5G coverage in rural regions.
Vodafone people moves: HR operations change hands
James McGill takes human resources remit from Bernd Flossbach amid HR changes across Group and subsidiaries.
Elsewhere in Vodafone Europe: Vodafone Spain fined for GDPR breach
Vodafone Spain fined nearly €4m for violating customer data protection regulations; VfUK requests licence variation from regulator to refarm 4G spectrum, in tandem with VM O2.
Vodafone sticks to TV guns despite subscriber declines
TV customer base in Germany fell by 309,000 in the past year.
Vodafone people moves: IoT exec refresh across the Group
Executive changes include IoT swaps at Group, Vodacom, and subsidiaries.
Innovation (R&D)
Vodafone extends ‘co-creation’ model to Dresden R&D hub
Public and private partnerships to drive innovation at Saxony site.
Financial & Performance
Vodafone’s FY21–22 message: ‘keep calm and carry on’
Read once again assures shareholders that M&A activity is on the horizon.
Public Affairs
Vodafone gains partial victory against former ONO execs
La Audiencia de Madrid rules that ONO execs accused of tax fraud before Vodafone takeover should pay VAT fees siphoned off cableco’s books. Ruling falls well short of €140m in damages Vodafone was originally seeking.
Elsewhere in Vodafone Europe: Ofcom calls out UK operators
Vodafone launches device financing and insurance scheme in Spain; regulator slams VfUK for lack of social tariff.
Vodafone mulls Spanish fixed line options
Spanish OpCo faces tough decisions as rivals MÁSMÓVIL and Orange Spain plan merger.
Vodafone people moves: German leadership continues evolution
Vodafone Germany CEO replacement named; Networks lead confirmed; and Commercial Operations lead filled temporarily. Vodafone UK’s strategy chief Dixit set to join former CEO Jeffery at Frontier. Vodacom SA CEO Sharma confirmed departure leaving vacancy at the top. Vodafone Carrier and Partner Markets names regional management changes.