All Public Affairs articles – Page 4
Public Affairs
UK telecoms to follow financial sector with open data requirements
DSIT seeking to cut through confusion of converging connectivity options by requiring operators to share relevant usage data with customers, and potentially third parties.
Public Affairs
UK MPs call for changes to keep Project Gigabit and R100 on track
Ministers criticise “one-size-fits-all” approach of Project Gigabit and R100 broadband subsidy programmes in Parliament.
Public Affairs
INCA blasts Ofcom for regulatory failures; calls for Openreach breakup
Altnet industry group urges government scrutiny of telecom regulator, arguing that recent decisions put fibre investment at risk.
Public Affairs
Spain tweaks 5G funding terms amid competition concerns
Spain introduces province limitations to 5G funding programme after complaints that previous terms favoured Telefónica.
Public Affairs
BT calls for pro-adoption, principles-based AI regulation
Public Policy Director Daniel Wilson urges UK government to build pro-adoption into its AI approach, lauds pro-innovation building blocks.
Public Affairs
Spain rallies to defend “strategic” Telefónica
stc’s bid to become Telefónica’s largest shareholder faces tough scrutiny.
Public Affairs
Operators slam Argentina’s 5G auction terms, rollout deemed “impossible”
Telefónica, Claro, and Telecom Argentina push back against Argentina’s 5G auction terms.
Public Affairs
Vi embroiled in Indian security controversy
Indian operator just one buyer of surveillance tech alleged to be a vehicle for the Indian government to “snoop” on its citizens.
Public Affairs
Wales puts sale of regional fibre network on the table
Devolved body sounds out market interest in purchase of publicly owned network in North Wales, ahead of 2025 contract end point.
Public Affairs
State of emergency provokes Safaricom Ethiopia network shutdown
Operator shuts down sites in Ethiopia’s second most populous region, Amhara, after conflict breaks out between military and Fano militia.
Public Affairs
In depth: “Betrayed” Drahi firewalls Altice corruption claims as impact gets personal
Speaking to investors, Altice owner reiterates position of business as a victim of corruption scandal in Portugal, emphasising major personal financial crossover. Read more about how role of ‘co-founder’ Armando Pereira and fallout for strategic BT and Vodafone tie-ups are being downplayed, implicated vendors already being axed, and ...
Public Affairs
Orange CEO heads off lead pollution debate with copper stats
Group says copper cables with lead sheaths have not been laid in decades.
Public Affairs
Deep dive: Altice scandal tremors reach BT and Vodafone
TelcoTitans’ deep dive into the still-developing financial scandal enveloping telecoms buccaneer Patrick Drahi and his highly-leveraged Altice, following co‑founder’s arrest in Portugal, incl. potential ramifications for vendors, investors and intertwined BT, Vodafone investments…
Public Affairs
Croatia asks Brussels for more broadband infra funding
Government makes request to EC for next grant instalment from EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. Croatia set to receive a total of €5.51bn under RRF, provided performance-based targets are met. One-fifth of allocation earmarked for digital transformation projects, as stipulated by NextGenerationEU funding rules, including broadband rollout in rural ...
Public Affairs
1&1 gets a part-win over DT in 5G ads spat
Challenger can still describe its network as the most modern in Europe.
Public Affairs
Vantage resists EU plans for regulating TowerCos
Vodafone-backed InfraCo troubled by prospect of regulated pricing and terms if new ultrafast rollout regulation proceeds as planned.
Public Affairs
Telefónica calls for fresh infra-sharing regulation in LatAm
Operator calls for regulatory rework to promote infrastructure sharing in Latin America.
Public Affairs
Ofcom prods Virgin Media O2 over customer cancellation struggles
Ofcom launches investigation into Virgin Media O2 after customers report service cancellation difficulties.
Public Affairs
Can’t get much broadband satisfaction in UK — Which?
EE and Virgin Media O2 among worst-performing broadband providers, according to latest Which? survey. Poor UK broadband report card comes on heels of massive mid-contract hikes.
Public Affairs
Scotland wants ‘sufficient’ share of Project Gigabit cash
While UK’s flagship broadband roll out scheme is ramping up, Holyrood and Westminster are yet to come to an agreement on Scotland’s share of spend.