Deutsche Telekomwatch Weekly: Germany’s Gigabit goals in spotlight


Group CEO Höttges weighs in on infra policy, highlighting slow pace of mobile challenger 1&1’s network rollout at Group AGM. Telekom Deutschland’s Srini Gopalan also goes on regulatory offensive, reiterating calls for removal of bureaucratic hurdles in German fibre rollout, as questions begin to be asked about the country’s long-term Gigabit goals…

Deutsche Telekomwatch Weekly Briefings (articles and email newsletters) are available only to TelcoTitans Professional and Deutsche Telekomwatch subscribers. Sign insubscribe now or contact us for more details or if you have a relevant story.

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Includes: 1&1, 24i, Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), Delta Air Lines, Digital Transformation Capital Partners (DTCP), Data Centres, Detecon, FTTH Conference 2024, Fibre (FTTP), hubraum, KMD, maincubes, Martin Murphy, Mo Katibeh, Neville Ray, Mercury Communications, NextLabs, OTE Group, Salvador Technologies, SiFi Networks, Slovak Telekom, Srini Gopalan, T-Mobile Czech Republic, T-Mobile US, T-Systems, Telefónica Group, Telekom Deutschland, Tim Höttges, Total Network Solutions, and more…

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